This is the making of my front cover and the improvement of it. At the moment there is an insufficient amount of text and the cover is too plain however I have stuck to the rule of 3 using primary colours. I feel like this too plain therefore some more text and shapes need to be added to it to make it more engaging to meet the readers eye and make it more interesting for them to read.
I added a red text box and put a white 'exclusive in the middle of it' to make it more interesting and appealing to the audience. I don't feel putting a lot of text on the front would benefit it as it would overpower the picture and could look tacky and messy which would put people off buying the magazine. I feel there is an acceptable amount of colour on this front cover and a reasonable about of text to catch people of this audience 'teenagers' eye.
These are photo's I took which were ideas to use for the magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.
These are just a few examples of the photos I took. I tested different times of the day, different environments and different girls to see which suited best to my theme. I used different backgrounds such as a bridge a tree and a brick wall as I was testing different places and I chose the best pictures to go inside my magazine.
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