This is my first idea into development of the magazine 'IDENTITY' in which I'm making. I have chosen black and white and she's a rock singer and therefore isn't singing happy cheery music which is related to colour and other things which would be colours such as red and pink. The girl used on the cover is mysterious to draw more people in and has a facial expression which hides a lot to want readers to find out about this girl.
An example of a photo used on a black and white cover from 'The Face' is the photo above. A picture of a girl giving the same facial expression making readers want to know her story and everything she is about. The only difference between my photo and this photo is the type of shot and where its taken. This photo shows more of the background whereas the photo on my possible front cover is a closer shot so less background can be seen.
I have used a black and white theme as its more mysterious. The font I used for the title of the magazine was Uptown. This font is quite modern and not fulfilled just like the message the cover gives to the readers, that they have to read the magazine to find out the story so it is relevant. I also used this for the headline ' The naked truth as it is' this means a dark story just like the theme and again gives the audience a though of mystery engaging them in. The size of the title is 150pt using an inner glow as well because the title has to stand out more than the rest of the magazine and it is more blockish.
The size of the title of the story is 32 because it has to be made to also catch the readers eye and make them wonder what the magazine is about. I don't want to give to much away on the front cover because people wouldn't buy it if there was too much too soon.
The font for the price '£2.00' is in Franklin Gothic Heavy and in size 24pt as it's not the most important part of the magazine. It's in the bottom right had corner above the bar code as that is usually where most prices are on products including magazines.
I have put a circle blocked filled in red with white writing in the font stride di Fuoco size 35pt in front of the circle as its a competition and makes it stand out to readers that if they buy the magazine they have a chance of winning a T-shirt just for buying the magazine.
I have used red and black again for the contents page because they are primary colours and bold making the titles stand out.
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