Friday, 25 January 2013

Pre-lim Analysis

I have used blue for the title ( being the name of the magazine 'Winstanley Fashion' and it is not a bold colour therefore it would be cheaper to print. I have used very standard colours such as blue grey and black which are not costly colour such as bold red and yellow to print as magazines usually stick to 3 colours maximum as it's their limit. I used a centred medium shot of a girl in a leather coat to be the centre of the magazine cover as its attractiv to a readers eye. I have used catch phrases such as ' Leather the New you' as it convinces a reader to read the magazine to catch up with the latest fashions and styles and is realy emphaisising the magazine.
I have placed the bar code is the bottom left hand side as its the least important feature of the cover as it is only used to scan when you but the magazine therefore readers wont take any notice of it and whith the way you hold a magazine you tend to cover your thumb over it anyway.
Also i have done the price in black overlapping the grey background so it therefore stands out more so the readers know its a cheap magazine with a lot in it.
I used photoshop to create the front cover as its easier to edit photos and overlap text making it look more professional and appealing to the target audeince which is students at Winstanley.

For the contents page i have contued the theme blue throughout the contents page aswell as the front cover. I have however faded it more so the background is more faint than the rest of the text which needs to be more readable over the background. Again i used photoshop to do this so i could insert pictures of exaqmples of winstanley students modeling some nice clothes that they may wear to college and their dail style. As this is just the prelim i havnt added proper text and i have simply just put the conents page, explaied where the letter from the editor would be and the list of what is contented inside this issue of the magazine.

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